Working in progress… 6 new block of flats to passivhaus standards, or at least high energy efficient. They will be build in Bucharest, next year.

Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 1


In order to create a cost benefit report I  simulate the first block of flats in PHPP. In the below article, I attach print screens from my results, running and investment costs. Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 2 (3)

From my PHPP simulation if you the constructor don’t insulate the block at all, use simple double glaze windows it shows a 171kWh/m2/year heat demand. To heat the hole block, on average, will be spend 23000Euro, equal to 6.3Euro/m2 each year.Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 4 (1)



If it will be made to current regulation, the heat demand will be around 90kWh/m2/year. On this heat demand, to heat it, the owners will need to spend 3.4euro/m2/year, 12400Euro/year for the hole block.

Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 3 (2)

This is how much heat they need each month to keep the flats at 20C degrees.


Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 4 (2)

A better energy efficiency block of flats will need roughly around 39kWh/m2/year heat. The heating cost will be around 1.4Euro/m2/year and 5300Euro for the hole block.

Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 5 (2)Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 5 (1)



The PassivHaus block will need 15kWh/m2/year. The heating cost will be around 0.5euro/m2/year, meaning 2000Euro the hole block per year. Amazing, isn’t it? What do you think?

Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 2 (2)

Heat demand for each month for a passive house block of flats.

Designing a block of flats to passivhaus standards Zecaph zero carbon Passivhaus 2 (1)On the other side, from the investment point of view, It will cost extra 40.000Euro to build a high energy efficiency block of flats and around 100.000-130.000 Euro extra to get Passivhaus standards, both prices compared to the current regulation. The total predicted investment of one block will around 2.100.000Euro to current standard regulation (90-95 kWh/m2/year heat demand)

So far, what do you think?

When we speak about he CO2 emmision:

– the current regulation block of flats emits around 72 Tones of CO2 per year only for heating

– the energy efficient around 35Tones of CO2/year

– 15 and 20Tones of CO2/year for the PassivHaus block

More details will come.

ZecaPH Zero carbon PassivHaus consultancy - energy efficiency low energy buildings Passive house sustainability about experience 24